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iStoppFalls project passed Review 2 and Milestone 4 (Re-Design finished)

20. December 2013:

The second review of the project was done by the EC and 3 reviewers during a whole-day meeting in Cologne (October 2013) and reviewed iStoppFalls as a project which achieved "good progress".
The project has achieved most of its objectives and technical goals for the period with relatively minor deviations which were based on the outcome of the pilot studies and living labs.

The fully re-designed iStoppFalls demonstrator, which is the outcome of this period and milestone 4, is now ready to be used during the upcoming randomized trial and living lab.
The RCT will be implemented during the first half of 2014 in Europe (Cologne and Valencia) and Australia (Sydney) in order to test the efficacy of the iStoppFalls system with 160 participants.

More qualitative aspects in terms of user appropriation, usability, accessibility and user experience will be evaluated in the Siegen Living Lab which runs in parallel to the RCT.

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iStoppFalls Subgroup Analysis Paper Published

10. July 2017:    Data from the iStoppFalls subgroup analysis have been published in the International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS), which is available here: Analysis of...  more ›

iStoppFalls Gait Analysis Paper Published

31. March 2017:    Data from the iStoppFalls gait analysis have been published in the International Journal of Geriatric Gerontology, which is available here: Comparison between...  more ›